
MCQ Part - 1 CS (MA) Rules


Q.1 In all CGHS covered cities, the serving Central Government employees, residing within the municipal limits of the city, shall be given choice to opt for CGHS (instead of CS (MA) Rules) from the nearest CGHS Wellness Centre.
a)    One time in entire service
b)    two time in entire service
c)    three time in entire service
d)    any time in service

Q.2 For a family members of a Central Government employee, testing of  eye sight for glasses is reimbursable :-
a)    once in three years
b)    Once in a year
c)    Once in two year
d)    Not admissible

Q.3 Medical treatment abroad requires a certificate from –
a)    Finance ministry
b)    Head of department
c)    the Standing Committee established for the purpose
d)    ministry of external affairs

Q.4 The ceiling rates for reimbursement for Special Nurse (per shift of 12 hours), is-
a)    Rs.250
b)    Rs. 150
c)    Rs. 75
d)    Rs. 100

Q.5 The ceiling rates for reimbursement for Ayah/Attendant (per shift of 12 hours), is-
a)    Rs.250
b)    Rs. 150
c)    Rs. 75
d)    Rs. 100

Q.6 the expenses incurred, by the central government employee, on the engagement of special nurse/attendant/ ayah at the residence of his/her is reimbursable -
a)    Rs.150
b)    Rs.75
c)    Rs. 225
d)    not reimbursable.

Q.7 if an employee has conventional operated for cataract and treatment thereto. If he has implanted hydrophilic foldable IOL of Rs. 6000 at Government hospital, then what amount will be reimbursable –
a)    Rs. 5800
b)    Rs. 4500
c)    Rs. 6000
d)    No reimbursement

Q.8 Who is empowered to appoint AMA – (a) department of central government (b) head of department –
a)    Only (a)
b)    only (b)
c)    (a) or (b)
d)    Neither (a) nor (b)

Q.9 A Private Medical Practitioners are also appointed as AMAs- (a) where adequate number of Government Doctors in various systems of medicines are not available (b) when their services are not available within a radius of eight kilometres (b) because of the remoteness of the area.
a)    (a) or (b)
b)    (a) or (c)
c)    (b) or (c)
d)    (a) or (b) or (c)

Q.10 The AMA of a Government servant is determined with reference to the place- 
a)    at which he falls ill
b)    the permanent place of duty
c)    temporary residence of casual stay
d)    permanent residence

Q.11 As CS (MA) Rules who is not included in family –
a)    stepmother
b)    stepson
c)    stepfather
d)    stepdaughter

Q.12 As CS (MA) Rules who is not included in family –
a)    Judicially separated wife
b)    A son of 26 years old
c)    Divorced daughter
d)    Mentally disabled son of 24 years

Q.13 Parents will be eligible for reimbursement if (a) residing with the Government servant (b) the rest of the family members in a station other than the employee's headquarters-
a)    No need of residing with
b)    Only (a)
c)    Only (b)
d)    (a) or (b)

Q.14 If the spouse is in receipt affixed medical allowance, the Government servant can avail medical facilities under Medical Attendance Rules for-
a)    himself and members of family residing with him except for the spouse
b)    spouse and members of family residing with him
c)    only for himself
d)    only for himself and spouse

Q.15 what is the maximum ceiling limit for reimbursement of complete denture of one jaw?
a)    Rs. 1000
b)    Rs. 2000
c)    Rs. 3000
d)    Rs. 4000
Q.1(a)                     Q.2(a)                     Q.3 (c)                   Q.4(b)                    Q.5(c)         
Q.6(d)                    Q.7(c)                     Q.8(c)                    Q.9(b)                    Q.10(a)
Q.11(c)                   Q.12(b)                  Q.13(d)                  Q.14(a)                   Q.15 (a)

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Quiz-2 on CGHS
Growth, Maturation, and Development