Retirement on Superannuation


Retirement on Superannuation

1. Timely Payment of Retirement Benefits

Responsibilities of the Employee:

To ensure a smooth retirement process, you should:

  • Regularly check that your Service Book is up-to-date, including:

1.    Medical fitness record at the time of appointment.

2.    Correct date of birth and confirmation of service.

3.    Annual verification of service records.

4.    Entries for leave records that count toward pension eligibility.

5.    Documentation of past service if applicable.

6.    Record of pension contributions if you worked on deputation/foreign service.

7.    Nomination details for Retirement Gratuity, GPF (General Provident Fund), and Group Insurance should be clearly recorded and safely stored.

8.    An updated list of family members to avoid disputes later.

9.    Inspection of Service Book every year, with a signature for verification.

10. Submission of the updated Service Book to your office in January every year.

11. Completion of all pending government dues or recoveries before retirement.

2. General Provisions on Superannuation

  • Retirement Age: 60 years for all government employees.
  • Effective Date of Retirement:

v If your birthday falls on the 1st of the month, you will retire in the previous month.

v Otherwise, retirement happens on the last day of the month in which you turn 60.

  • If you are on leave or under suspension on the retirement date, that day is still counted as part of your service.
  • Retirement on a holiday: The official last working day will still be counted as the retirement date.

3. Qualifying Service for Pension

Your qualifying service is the period counted towards pension eligibility. This starts from the date you officially join in a permanent capacity.

Service that Counts Towards Pension:

  • Confirmed permanent service (temporary service also counts if followed by confirmation).
  • Leave periods (except unauthorized absence).
  • Deputation and foreign service with contributions paid.
  • Extraordinary leave (EOL) on medical grounds.
  • Pre-appointment training (if followed by appointment).
  • Military service (if re-employed in civil services).

Service that Does NOT Count:

  • Any service before age 18.
  • Service as an apprentice (except SAS Apprentices).
  • Unauthorized absence (dies non).
  • Overstayal of leave/joining time without approval.

4. Pension Rules and Regulations

Types of Pensions:

1.    Superannuation Pension – Given on normal retirement at 60 years.

2.    Retiring Pension – Given on voluntary or premature retirement.

3.    Compulsory Retirement Pension – Given as a penalty; pension may be reduced.

4.    Invalid Pension – Given if an employee is medically unfit before completing 10 years of service.

5.    Compassionate Allowance – Given if an employee is dismissed/removed but deserves special consideration.

Pension Restrictions:

  • Multiple pensions cannot be drawn for the same service period.
  • Future good conduct is a condition for continuing pension.
  • Government may withhold pension if an employee is convicted of a crime or found guilty of misconduct.
  • Commercial employment restrictions: A Group A officer cannot take up commercial employment for one year post-retirement without government approval.

5. Pension Calculation

  • Minimum pension: ₹9,000/month.
  • Maximum pension: ₹1,25,000/month.
  • Basic pension: 50% of the average emoluments of the last 10 months.
  • Additional pension (for older pensioners):

v 80–85 years: +20%

v 85–90 years: +30%

v 90–95 years: +40%

v 95–100 years: +50%

v 100+ years: 100% increase

6. Gratuity (Lump Sum Payment on Retirement/Death)

  • Service Gratuity (for <10 years of service): Half-month’s salary for every 6 months of service.
  • Retirement Gratuity (for >5 years of service):

v ¼ of the last drawn salary for every 6-month service period.

v Max limit: ₹20 lakhs.

  • Death Gratuity (if employee dies while in service):

v Less than 1 year: 2 months’ salary.

v 1–5 years: 6 months’ salary.

v 5–11 years: 12 months’ salary.

v 11–20 years: 20 months’ salary.

v 20+ years: 33 times last drawn salary (max ₹20 lakhs).

7. Family Pension (For Dependents After Employee’s Death)

  • Regular family pension: 30% of last drawn salary.
  • Enhanced family pension: 50% of last drawn salary for:

v 10 years (if employee dies in service).

v 7 years or until age 67 (if pensioner dies post-retirement).

  • Eligible Family Members:

v Spouse (including post-retirement spouse).

v Children (up to 25 years or unmarried).

v Dependent parents.

v Disabled siblings (mentally/physically challenged).

8. Commutation of Pension (Lump Sum Payment Instead of Monthly Pension)

  • Up to 40% of pension can be commuted (converted into a lump sum).
  • Commutation is restored after 15 years.
  • If the pension is revised upwards later, the difference in commuted value is paid automatically.

9. Leave Encashment (Earned Leave Payment on Retirement)

  • Encashment of Earned Leave: Maximum 300 days of leave can be encashed.
  • If an employee dies in service, leave salary is paid to the family.
  • Encashment on voluntary retirement/suspension: Allowed but subject to conditions.

10. Dearness Relief (DR) for Pensioners

  • Given twice a year to counter inflation.
  • Calculated based on CPI (Consumer Price Index).
  • Latest DR rates (as of 2023): 46% of basic pension.

11. Nomination for Arrears & Gratuity

  • Employees must nominate family members to receive unpaid pension/gratuity after their death.
  • If no nominee exists, benefits are paid as per legal succession rules.

12. Pension Disbursement

  • Pensions are paid through banks, post offices, or treasury offices.
  • If pension papers are delayed, provisional pension is sanctioned.
  • Income tax is NOT applicable on gratuity.

13. Restoration of Pension

  • Commuted pension is restored after 15 years automatically.
  • Absorbed PSU pensioners can get full pension restoration after 15 years.


Multiple Choice Questions


1.    What is the prescribed retirement age for Government servants under superannuation?
a) 58 years
b) 60 years
c) 62 years
d) 65 years
Answer: b) 60 years

2.    An employee retiring on superannuation will retire on which day of the month?
a) First day of the month
b) Last day of the month
c) Any working day of the month
d) Any holiday of the month
Answer: b) Last day of the month

3.    If an employee’s date of birth is the first of the month, when will they retire?
a) First day of the same month
b) Last day of the preceding month
c) First day of the next month
d) Last day of the same month
Answer: b) Last day of the preceding month

4.    Which rule states that a Government servant retiring on superannuation should formally relinquish charge even on a closed holiday?
a) Rule 56
b) Rule 42
c) Rule 60
d) Rule 25
Answer: a) Rule 56

5.    Who has the authority to withhold or withdraw a pension due to misconduct?
a) The employee’s immediate supervisor
b) The Head of Office
c) The President
d) The Pension Disbursing Officer
Answer: c) The President

6.    What is the minimum pension amount per month as per pension rules?
a) ₹5,000
b) ₹7,500
c) ₹9,000
d) ₹10,000
Answer: c) ₹9,000

7.    What is the maximum pension per month as per the latest pension rules?
a) ₹1,00,000
b) ₹1,25,000
c) ₹1,50,000
d) ₹2,00,000
Answer: b) ₹1,25,000

8.    How is the qualifying service for pension calculated?
a) Completed quarters
b) Completed years
c) Completed half-years
d) Completed days
Answer: c) Completed half-years

9.    A retired Government servant should not accept commercial employment within how many years without prior sanction?
a) 1 year
b) 2 years
c) 3 years
d) 5 years
Answer: a) 1 year

10. Family pension is payable at what percentage of pay drawn at the time of death?
a) 25%
b) 30%
c) 40%
d) 50%
Answer: b) 30%

11. Which of the following are necessary for timely processing of pension benefits? (Select all that apply)
a) Proper maintenance of the Service Book
b) Updating leave records
c) Clearance of pending disciplinary actions
d) Keeping all retirement nominations updated
Answer: a), b), c), d)

12. What factors determine the emoluments used for pension calculations? (Select all that apply)
a) Basic Pay
b) Non-Practicing Allowance (NPA)
c) Special Allowance
d) Dearness Allowance
Answer: a), b), d)

13. Which periods count as qualifying service for pension? (Select all that apply)
a) All kinds of leave with leave salary
b) Foreign service with contributions paid
c) Suspension followed by minor penalty
d) Unauthorized absence treated as 'dies non'
Answer: a), b), c)

14. Under what conditions can a government servant lose their pension? (Select all that apply)
a) Conviction in a serious criminal case
b) Dismissal due to grave misconduct
c) Accepting a foreign employment without permission
d) Voluntarily retiring before 10 years of service
Answer: a), b), c)

15. What documents must be submitted before retirement for pension processing? (Select all that apply)
a) Service Book verification
b) Nomination for gratuity
c) Undertaking for excess payment recovery
d) Promotion request form
Answer: a), b), c)

16. Situation: A Government servant was dismissed due to serious misconduct. What pensionary benefit is he entitled to?
a) Full pension
b) 50% of pension
c) No pension but may receive a compassionate allowance
d) Pension with reduced amount
Answer: c) No pension but may receive a compassionate allowance

17. Situation: A retired employee applied for a job with a foreign company within 6 months of retirement without Government permission. What action can be taken?
a) No action, as he is retired
b) He will be fined but pension will not be affected
c) His pension can be withheld for the period of foreign employment
d) His pension will be doubled
Answer: c) His pension can be withheld for the period of foreign employment

18. Situation: An employee retires but his pension is delayed due to incomplete service records. What should he do?
a) File a legal complaint
b) Request provisional pension
c) Wait indefinitely
d) Join another job without informing the department
Answer: b) Request provisional pension

19. Situation: A pensioner, aged 85, inquires about additional pension benefits. What is the percentage increase he is entitled to?
a) 20%
b) 30%
c) 40%
d) 50%
Answer: b) 30%

20. Situation: An employee is due to retire but has pending disciplinary proceedings. What pension benefits can he receive?
a) Full pension and gratuity
b) No pension until case closure
c) Provisional pension until case conclusion
d) Reduced pension permanently
Answer: c) Provisional pension until case conclusion

21. Who is responsible for ensuring that a government servant's service records are properly maintained?
a) The employee himself
b) The Head of Office
c) The Pension Disbursing Authority
d) The Accounts Officer
Answer: b) The Head of Office

22. How often should a government servant inspect and sign their Service Book?
a) Every month
b) Once every six months
c) Every year
d) Only before retirement
Answer: c) Every year

23. A Government servant retiring on superannuation should ensure that their Service Book is updated before how many months of retirement?
a) 1 month
b) 4 months
c) 6 months
d) 12 months
Answer: d) 12 months

24. What is the maximum retirement gratuity payable as per the latest pension rules?
a) ₹10 lakh
b) ₹15 lakh
c) ₹20 lakh
d) ₹25 lakh
Answer: d) ₹25 lakh

25. How many years of qualifying service is required to receive a pension?
a) 5 years
b) 10 years
c) 15 years
d) 20 years
Answer: b) 10 years

26. What are the responsibilities of a government servant before retirement? (Select all that apply)
a) Checking Service Book entries
b) Verifying pension nominations
c) Submitting a resignation letter
d) Ensuring clearance of government dues
Answer: a), b), d)

27. In which cases can the pension of a retired government servant be reduced or withdrawn? (Select all that apply)
a) Conviction for a serious crime
b) Re-employment in a private company
c) Misconduct during service
d) Voluntarily retiring at 58 years
Answer: a), c)

28. Which periods do not count towards qualifying service for pension? (Select all that apply)
a) Unauthorized absence treated as ‘dies non’
b) Overstay of leave without regularization
c) Approved extraordinary leave for higher studies
d) Service before the age of 18
Answer: a), b), d)

29. Which documents are essential for pension processing? (Select all that apply)
a) Nomination for gratuity
b) Service Book verification
c) House rent agreement
d) No Demand Certificate from Directorate of Estates
Answer: a), b), d)

30. What factors influence the calculation of pension amount? (Select all that apply)
a) Last drawn basic pay
b) Dearness Allowance at the time of retirement
c) Family size
d) Qualifying service
Answer: a), b), d)

31. Situation: A Government servant has completed 9 years and 11 months of service before retirement. Is he eligible for a pension?
a) Yes, he qualifies for a full pension
b) No, he must complete at least 10 years
c) Yes, but at a reduced rate
d) No, but he may receive a gratuity
Answer: d) No, but he may receive a gratuity

32. Situation: A retired Government servant re-joins a new job under a Foreign Government without permission. What happens to his pension?
a) It continues normally
b) It is withheld for the duration of foreign employment
c) It is permanently cancelled
d) It increases based on foreign salary
Answer: b) It is withheld for the duration of foreign employment

33. Situation: A pensioner has just turned 85. How much additional pension is he entitled to?
a) 20% of basic pension
b) 30% of basic pension
c) 40% of basic pension
d) 50% of basic pension
Answer: b) 30% of basic pension

34. Situation: A retired officer finds a discrepancy in their pension amount due to an error in the Service Book. What should they do?
a) Ignore it and continue with the pension received
b) File a grievance with the Pension Disbursing Authority
c) Seek legal action immediately
d) Submit a new Service Book
Answer: b) File a grievance with the Pension Disbursing Authority

35. Situation: A Government servant was dismissed from service but appeals for a pension. Under what circumstances can he receive it?
a) If the dismissal is reversed
b) If a compassionate allowance is granted
c) If the President approves
d) If he joins another government job
Answer: b) If a compassionate allowance is granted

36. How is pension calculated for a retiring Government servant?
a) 25% of last drawn basic pay
b) 50% of last drawn basic pay or average emoluments, whichever is higher
c) Based on the number of children in the family
d) Fixed at ₹10,000 for all retirees
Answer: b) 50% of last drawn basic pay or average emoluments, whichever is higher

37. What is the normal duration of enhanced family pension for a spouse after the Government servant’s death?
a) 5 years
b) 7 years or till the pensioner would have turned 67, whichever is earlier
c) 10 years
d) Lifetime
Answer: b) 7 years or till the pensioner would have turned 67, whichever is earlier

38. What is the additional pension percentage for a pensioner who turns 100?
a) 50%
b) 75%
c) 100%
d) No additional pension
Answer: c) 100%

39. Which of the following are considered family members for receiving family pension?
a) Spouse
b) Unmarried daughters
c) Stepchildren
d) Nephew
Answer: a), b), c)

40. Which document is necessary to release pension after retirement?
a) Retirement Order
b) Service Certificate
c) Pension Payment Order (PPO)
d) Appointment Letter
Answer: c) Pension Payment Order (PPO)

41. What is the minimum qualifying service required for voluntary retirement with a pension?
a) 10 years
b) 15 years
c) 20 years
d) 25 years
Answer: c) 20 years

42. What happens to the pension of a retired Government servant if they are convicted of a serious crime?
a) No action is taken
b) Pension may be withheld or withdrawn
c) Pension is doubled as compensation
d) The pension is transferred to their family
Answer: b) Pension may be withheld or withdrawn

43. How many months before retirement should pension papers be submitted to the Accounts Office?
a) 3 months
b) 4 months
c) 6 months
d) 12 months
Answer: b) 4 months

44. Which of the following is NOT included in the emoluments for pension calculation?
a) Basic Pay
b) Non-Practicing Allowance (NPA)
c) Special Allowance
d) Dearness Allowance
Answer: c) Special Allowance

45. What is the maximum number of years of service that is considered for gratuity calculation?
a) 10 years
b) 20 years
c) 30 years
d) 33 years
Answer: d) 33 years

46. What is the formula for calculating retirement gratuity?
a) Half month's pay for every year of service
b) One-fourth of emoluments for each completed six-monthly period
c) 50% of last drawn salary
d) A fixed lump sum decided by the government
Answer: b) One-fourth of emoluments for each completed six-monthly period

47. Which pension rule applies to a government servant who is dismissed from service?
a) Rule 9
b) Rule 56
c) Rule 44
d) Rule 30
Answer: a) Rule 9

48. When is a pensioner eligible for restoration of commuted pension?
a) 10 years from retirement
b) 12 years from retirement
c) 15 years from the date of commutation
d) 20 years from retirement
Answer: c) 15 years from the date of commutation

49. What is the amount of gratuity payable in case of death in service if the employee had 15 years of service?
a) 6 times the monthly emoluments
b) 12 times the monthly emoluments
c) 20 times the monthly emoluments
d) 33 times the monthly emoluments
Answer: b) 12 times the monthly emoluments

50. What is the maximum limit for leave encashment at retirement?
a) 200 days
b) 240 days
c) 270 days
d) 300 days
Answer: d) 300 days

51. What are the different types of pensions available to a government servant? (Select all that apply)
a) Superannuation Pension
b) Retiring Pension
c) Family Pension
d) Invalid Pension
Answer: a), b), c), d)

52. Under what conditions can a Government servant be denied pension? (Select all that apply)
a) Found guilty of serious misconduct
b) Voluntarily retires at age 55
c) Dismissed from service
d) Convicted for corruption
Answer: a), c), d)

53. Which of the following benefits are available for pensioners above 80 years? (Select all that apply)
a) Additional pension based on age
b) Special pension bonus
c) Additional family pension
d) Extra gratuity payment
Answer: a), c)

54. What are the eligibility conditions for family pension? (Select all that apply)
a) Employee must have completed one year of service
b) Family pension is payable only after 5 years of service
c) Pension is available even if the employee dies in the first year
d) A pensioner’s spouse can continue receiving family pension after their death
Answer: a), c), d)

55. Which of the following periods are considered qualifying service for pension? (Select all that apply)
a) Service on probation followed by confirmation
b) Extraordinary leave on medical grounds
c) Suspension followed by reinstatement
d) Unauthorized absence from duty
Answer: a), b), c)

56. Situation: A Government servant has completed 20 years of service and wants to take voluntary retirement. What pension benefits will he get?
a) Full pension benefits
b) No pension benefits
c) Only gratuity without pension
d) Reduced pension benefits
Answer: a) Full pension benefits

57. Situation: An employee's retirement date is March 31st. When will his retirement be effective?
a) March 31st, afternoon
b) April 1st, morning
c) March 30th, afternoon
d) April 15th
Answer: a) March 31st, afternoon

58. Situation: A pensioner is convicted for corruption charges. What happens to his pension?
a) Pension is withdrawn completely
b) Pension is reduced but not withdrawn
c) Pension is given only to family members
d) No action is taken
Answer: a) Pension is withdrawn completely

59. Situation: A retired Government employee’s wife passes away. He wants to change the nomination for family pension. What should he do?
a) No action needed, family pension continues automatically
b) Submit a new nomination form
c) Pension will be transferred to another family member automatically
d) He has to apply for re-approval of his pension
Answer: b) Submit a new nomination form

60. Situation: A pensioner reaches 90 years of age. How much additional pension will he receive?
a) 20%
b) 30%
c) 40%
d) 50%
Answer: c) 40%

61. If a retired Government servant accepts employment under a foreign government without prior approval, what happens to his pension?
a) It continues as usual
b) It is reduced by 50%
c) It is stopped during the period of employment
d) It is permanently withdrawn
Answer: c) It is stopped during the period of employment

62. What is the additional pension percentage for a pensioner aged 95 years?
a) 40%
b) 50%
c) 75%
d) 100%
Answer: b) 50%

63. Under which rule can the President withhold or withdraw pension?
a) Rule 7
b) Rule 8
c) Rule 9
d) Rule 10
Answer: c) Rule 9

64. How often is Dearness Relief revised for pensioners?
a) Monthly
b) Quarterly
c) Twice a year
d) Once every five years
Answer: c) Twice a year

65. Who is responsible for issuing the Pension Payment Order (PPO)?
a) Pensioner
b) Head of Office
c) Accounts Officer
d) Pension Disbursing Bank
Answer: c) Accounts Officer

66. Which of the following services count towards qualifying service for pension? (Select all that apply)
a) Temporary service followed by confirmation
b) Extra-ordinary leave granted on medical grounds
c) Foreign service with contributions paid
d) Unauthorized absence
Answer: a), b), c)

67. A Government servant's family members eligible for family pension include: (Select all that apply)
a) Widow/widower
b) Unmarried son (below 25 years)
c) Married daughter
d) Dependent parents
Answer: a), b), d)

68. What are the possible reasons for pension delay? (Select all that apply)
a) Incomplete Service Book entries
b) Pending disciplinary action
c) Late submission of pension forms
d) Early retirement
Answer: a), b), c)

69. What are the benefits of Commutation of Pension? (Select all that apply)
a) Lump sum payment
b) Reduction in monthly pension
c) Full pension restored after 10 years
d) Full pension restored after 15 years
Answer: a), b), d)

70. What conditions must be met before a pension is processed? (Select all that apply)
a) Verification of Service Book
b) Clearance of Government dues
c) Payment of house rent to employer
d) Submission of pension application
Answer: a), b), d)

71. Situation: A Government servant has completed 14 years and 10 months of service. Is he eligible for pension?
a) Yes, since he completed more than 10 years
b) No, as minimum 15 years is required
c) Yes, but at a reduced rate
d) No, he will only receive gratuity
Answer: a) Yes, since he completed more than 10 years

72. Situation: A retired pensioner starts receiving two pensions—one from Government service and another from military service. What happens?
a) He can receive both pensions without restrictions
b) He must choose only one pension
c) He will get a reduced pension from one source
d) The government will cancel one pension
Answer: a) He can receive both pensions without restrictions

73. Situation: A Government servant dies in service after completing 3 years. What pension benefit is available to his family?
a) No pension benefits
b) Lump sum death gratuity only
c) Family pension at an enhanced rate
d) Full pension as if retired
Answer: c) Family pension at an enhanced rate

74. Situation: A pensioner forgets to update his nominee details and passes away. What happens to his pension arrears?
a) Paid to his legal heirs
b) Paid to government funds
c) Transferred to the pension office
d) Cancelled completely
Answer: a) Paid to his legal heirs

75. Situation: A retired Government servant receives a pension sanction order with errors. What should he do?
a) Ignore the errors and accept the pension
b) File a complaint with the pension office
c) Ask for a revised sanction order
d) Stop withdrawing pension until the issue is resolved
Answer: b) File a complaint with the pension office

76. What is the maximum period of provisional pension granted in case of pending inquiries?
a) 3 months
b) 6 months
c) 12 months
d) Until the inquiry is complete
Answer: d) Until the inquiry is complete

77. What is the percentage of pension that can be commuted?
a) 25%
b) 33%
c) 40%
d) 50%
Answer: c) 40%

78. What is the maximum period for which enhanced family pension is paid?
a) 5 years
b) 7 years or till the deceased would have turned 67, whichever is earlier
c) 10 years
d) Lifetime
Answer: b) 7 years or till the deceased would have turned 67, whichever is earlier

79. What is the minimum age for voluntary retirement in government service?
a) 50 years
b) 55 years
c) 58 years
d) 60 years
Answer: a) 50 years

80. How is qualifying service for pension rounded off?
a) Nearest year
b) Nearest half-year
c) Nearest month
d) Nearest day
Answer: b) Nearest half-year

81. If a Government servant retires on January 31st, when will their pension become effective?
a) February 1st
b) March 1st
c) April 1st
d) December 31st
Answer: a) February 1st

82. Which pension rule prohibits holding multiple pensions for the same service?
a) Rule 5
b) Rule 6
c) Rule 7
d) Rule 8
Answer: b) Rule 6

83. What is the maximum number of family members who can receive a pension at the same time?
a) 1
b) 2
c) 3
d) Unlimited
Answer: a) 1

84. If a pensioner is found guilty of grave misconduct, who has the authority to withdraw their pension?
a) Pension Disbursing Authority
b) President
c) Head of Department
d) Pensioner’s family
Answer: b) President

85. What happens if a pensioner dies before receiving their first pension payment?
a) The pension is canceled
b) The pension arrears go to the nominee
c) The pension is transferred to the government
d) The pension is distributed among family members equally
Answer: b) The pension arrears go to the nominee

86. Which of the following qualify for family pension? (Select all that apply)
a) Widow/widower
b) Son below 25 years of age
c) Married daughter above 25 years
d) Dependent parents
Answer: a), b), d)

87. Which documents are required for pension processing? (Select all that apply)
a) Service Book
b) Aadhaar Card
c) Pension Payment Order (PPO)
d) Bank Passbook
Answer: a), c), d)

88. Which conditions apply to commutation of pension? (Select all that apply)
a) It reduces monthly pension
b) It provides a lump sum amount
c) Full pension is restored after 10 years
d) Full pension is restored after 15 years
Answer: a), b), d)

89. What can delay pension processing? (Select all that apply)
a) Incorrect date of birth in Service Book
b) Pending disciplinary proceedings
c) Missing nomination forms
d) Early retirement
Answer: a), b), c)

90. Which factors affect gratuity calculation? (Select all that apply)
a) Last drawn pay
b) Total years of qualifying service
c) Number of dependents
d) Leave encashment balance
Answer: a), b)

91. Situation: A Government employee retires on superannuation and applies for commutation of pension after one year. What happens?
a) He can still commute 40% of pension
b) He must undergo a medical examination
c) He is not eligible for commutation
d) He can commute pension without restrictions
Answer: b) He must undergo a medical examination

92. Situation: A pensioner was under suspension at the time of retirement. What will happen to his pension benefits?
a) He will receive full pension immediately
b) He will be given provisional pension until case closure
c) Pension is permanently canceled
d) Pension is delayed indefinitely
Answer: b) He will be given provisional pension until case closure

93. Situation: A widow of a retired Government servant remarries. What happens to the family pension?
a) She continues receiving family pension
b) Family pension stops
c) Pension is transferred to the next eligible family member
d) She receives a reduced amount
Answer: b) Family pension stops

94. Situation: A Government servant voluntarily retires after 19 years and 10 months of service. Is he eligible for pension?
a) Yes, since he completed nearly 20 years
b) No, he must complete exactly 20 years
c) Yes, but pension is reduced
d) No, only gratuity is payable
Answer: b) No, he must complete exactly 20 years

95. Situation: A Government servant dies before retirement. What pension benefits are given to the family?
a) No pension benefits
b) Family pension with enhanced rate for 10 years
c) Lump sum gratuity only
d) Full pension amount transferred
Answer: b) Family pension with enhanced rate for 10 years

96. What is the minimum service period required for retirement gratuity?
a) 5 years
b) 10 years
c) 15 years
d) 20 years
Answer: a) 5 years

97. When does a Government servant’s pension officially start after retirement?
a) On the date of retirement
b) On the first day of the next month
c) After three months
d) Only after PPO approval
Answer: b) On the first day of the next month

98. How is leave encashment at retirement calculated?
a) Full basic pay for each leave day
b) Basic pay + DA for a maximum of 300 days
c) Fixed percentage of total salary
d) Only basic pay for 200 days
Answer: b) Basic pay + DA for a maximum of 300 days

99. Which component is not included in pension calculation?
a) Basic Pay
b) Non-Practicing Allowance
c) Special Allowance
d) Dearness Allowance
Answer: c) Special Allowance

100.               What happens if a Government servant retires without clearing government dues?
a) Pension is completely stopped
b) Pension is delayed until dues are cleared
c) 10% of gratuity is withheld
d) Pension is paid only after legal clearance
Answer: c) 10% of gratuity is withheld

101.               What is the maximum commutation percentage allowed for pension?
a) 25%
b) 33%
c) 40%
d) 50%
Answer: c) 40%

102.               How is qualifying service for pension rounded off?
a) Nearest year
b) Nearest half-year
c) Nearest month
d) Nearest day
Answer: b) Nearest half-year

103.               Who is responsible for issuing the No Demand Certificate before retirement?
a) Pension Disbursing Authority
b) Directorate of Estates
c) Head of Office
d) Accounts Officer
Answer: b) Directorate of Estates

104.               How many times the monthly emoluments is the maximum gratuity payable upon death in service?
a) 12 times
b) 20 times
c) 33 times
d) 50 times
Answer: c) 33 times

105.               When can a retired Government servant apply for commutation of pension without medical examination?
a) Before 6 months of retirement
b) Within 1 year of retirement
c) After 5 years of retirement
d) At any time after retirement
Answer: b) Within 1 year of retirement

106.               Who is eligible for a compassionate allowance if dismissed from service? (Select all that apply)
a) A person dismissed for serious misconduct
b) A person dismissed for minor offense
c) A person found guilty of corruption
d) A dismissed employee in a case deserving special consideration
Answer: b), d)

107.               Which of the following count as qualifying service for pension? (Select all that apply)
a) Probation period followed by confirmation
b) Service in a temporary post later made permanent
c) Unauthorized absence from duty
d) Suspension followed by reinstatement
Answer: a), b), d)

108.               When is a pension withheld or withdrawn? (Select all that apply)
a) Conviction in a criminal case
b) Failure to submit pension application on time
c) Misconduct after retirement
d) Working for a foreign company without approval
Answer: a), c), d)

109.               What are the benefits of additional pension for senior pensioners? (Select all that apply)
a) Increases with age
b) Starts at 75 years of age
c) Begins at 80 years of age
d) Maximum 100% additional pension at 100 years
Answer: a), c), d)

110.               What factors affect the calculation of gratuity? (Select all that apply)
a) Length of service
b) Last drawn emoluments
c) Number of dependents
d) Age at retirement
Answer: a), b)

111.               Situation: A pensioner reaches 85 years of age. How much additional pension will he receive?
a) 10%
b) 20%
c) 30%
d) 50%
Answer: c) 30%

112.               Situation: A widow is receiving family pension. She remarries but has a dependent disabled son. What happens to her pension?
a) She continues receiving pension
b) Pension is transferred to the son
c) Pension stops permanently
d) She gets 50% pension and the son gets the rest
Answer: b) Pension is transferred to the son

113.               Situation: A retired Government servant is convicted of fraud five years after retirement. What happens to his pension?
a) Pension continues as usual
b) Pension is reduced
c) Pension is fully withdrawn
d) Pension is transferred to the nominee
Answer: c) Pension is fully withdrawn

114.               Situation: A Government servant has not completed 10 years of service before retirement. What benefit is available?
a) Full pension
b) Family pension only
c) Service gratuity
d) No benefits
Answer: c) Service gratuity

115.               Situation: A pensioner dies without nominating a legal heir. How is pension arrears distributed?
a) The money is forfeited to the government
b) It is divided equally among family members
c) It is given only to the eldest child
d) A succession certificate is required
Answer: d) A succession certificate is required

116.               What is the minimum family pension amount per month?
a) ₹7,500
b) ₹8,000
c) ₹9,000
d) ₹10,000
Answer: c) ₹9,000

117.               If a Government servant dies within 5 years of retirement, what pension benefits does the family receive?
a) No benefits
b) Full pension for life
c) Enhanced family pension for 7 years
d) Enhanced family pension for 10 years
Answer: d) Enhanced family pension for 10 years

118.               Which department is responsible for final pension authorization?
a) Ministry of Finance
b) Pension Disbursing Authority
c) Accounts Office
d) Pensioner’s Employer
Answer: c) Accounts Office

119.               What is the ceiling limit for retirement gratuity as per the latest pension rules?
a) ₹15 lakhs
b) ₹20 lakhs
c) ₹25 lakhs
d) ₹30 lakhs
Answer: b) ₹20 lakhs

120.               What is the percentage of pension increase for a pensioner who reaches 100 years?
a) 50%
b) 75%
c) 100%
d) 125%
Answer: c) 100%


121.               Under which constitutional articles do the President have the power to amend pension rules?

a) Article 148(5) and Article 310

b) Article 309 and Article 148(5)

c) Article 311 and Article 148(5)

d) Article 312 and Article 309

Answer: b) Article 309 and Article 148(5)


122.               According to the notification, who is the appointing authority for a pensioner retired from the Indian Audit and Accounts Department?

a) The President of India

b) The Comptroller and Auditor-General of India

c) The Prime Minister of India

d) The Secretary of Finance

Answer: b) The Comptroller and Auditor-General of India


123.               What action can the President take against a pensioner found guilty of grave misconduct?

a) Withhold or withdraw pension/gratuity fully or partially

b) Increase the pension amount

c) Provide additional benefits

d) Convert pension into a one-time settlement

Answer: a) Withhold or withdraw pension/gratuity fully or partially


124.               Before passing a final order under Rule 8, who must be consulted?

a) Comptroller and Auditor-General of India

b) Supreme Court of India

c) Union Public Service Commission (UPSC)

d) Ministry of Finance

Answer: c) Union Public Service Commission (UPSC)


125.               In which case can a pensioner's appeal be made to the President?

a) If the order is passed by an authority other than the President

b) If the pension is increased

c) If the pensioner voluntarily applies for an appeal

d) If the pensioner is re-employed after retirement

Answer: a) If the order is passed by an authority other than the President


126.                When do the Central Civil Services (Pension) Amendment Rules, 2022, come into effect?

a) From the date of retirement of the pensioner

b) From the date of their approval by the President

c) From the date of publication in the Official Gazette

d) From the date mentioned in the employee's pension order

Answer: c) From the date of publication in the Official Gazette


127.               Under the amended rules, which authority has the power to withhold or withdraw pension in the case of a pensioner from a post where the President is the appointing authority?

a) The Comptroller and Auditor-General of India

b) The Secretary of the Administrative Ministry

c) The President of India

d) The Prime Minister of India

Answer: c) The President of India


128.               As per the amendment, if a part of the pension is withheld or withdrawn, what is the minimum pension amount ensured?

a) 25% of the last drawn salary

b) As per Rule 44 of the Pension Rules

c) Rs. 10,000 per month

d) No minimum pension is ensured

Answer: b) As per Rule 44 of the Pension Rules


129.               Who needs to submit a report recording its findings if the departmental proceedings are initiated by an authority subordinate to the competent authority?

a) The Prime Minister’s Office

b) The appointing authority

c) The subordinate authority itself

d) The Comptroller and Auditor-General of India

Answer: c) The subordinate authority itself


130.               Which of the following is TRUE regarding appeals against pension-related orders under the new amendment?

a) No appeal is allowed against any order made by the President

b) Appeals can be made directly to the Supreme Court

c) Appeals can be made by any pensioner to the President

d) Appeals are automatically reviewed by the government

Answer: a) No appeal is allowed against any order made by the President


131.               In the amendment to Rule 50(9)(h)(iii), which clause was substituted?

a) Clause (e) was replaced with Clause (h)

b) Clause (d) was replaced with Clause (c)

c) Clause (a) was replaced with Clause (b)

d) Clause (h) was replaced with Clause (g)

Answer: a) Clause (e) was replaced with Clause (h)


132.                According to Rule 8, which of the following is NOT a reason for withholding or withdrawing pension?

a) If the pensioner is found guilty of grave misconduct

b) If the pensioner has been involved in financial losses to the government

c) If the pensioner is re-employed in a private company

d) If the pensioner has committed negligence during service

Answer: c) If the pensioner is re-employed in a private company


133.                What amendment was made to Rule 76 of the Central Civil Services (Pension) Rules, 2021?

a) The phrase "(5) The fact of the issue" was changed to "(5A) The fact of the issue"

b) The rule was removed entirely

c) The word "pension" was replaced with "gratuity"

d) A new provision for pension recovery was added

Answer: a) The phrase "(5) The fact of the issue" was changed to "(5A) The fact of the issue"



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